The Indian telecommunications market represents one of the largest potential opprtunities after China. The demand for main lines is projected to reach 42 million by the year 2005, compared to the existing 9 million lines in service today. With a population of 900 million, this still represents a telephone density of only 4 per hundred population. The Indian government is committed to allowing private and foreign companies in all aspects of the telecom sector and has already issued guidelines for foreign investment.
Compared to China, India has a long history of open business practices, an established legal framework, a democratic society and uses English as a primary language in business. It has only been recently that major telecommunications manufacturers and service providers have entered the Indian market. Don't be left behind! Keep up to date with the latest developments!
The India Telecom Newsletter, published every two weeks, wil help you stay abreast of this fast developing market.
Subjects Covered?
- Contracts awarded
- Tenders announced
- Joint ventures
- Policy and Regulation
- Standards
- Plans
- Market opportunities
- Strategies
- Conferences
- Publications
- Government organizations
- Technology
Who should be interested?
- Manufacturers
- Telephone companies
- CATV companies
- International carriers
- Investors
- Suppliers
- Systems Integrators
- Consultants
- Contractors
- Agents/Distributors
- Development banks
- Strategic planners
- Entrepreneurs
- Software developers
- Installers
Benefits of subscribing to this newsletter?
- Provides information not available elsewhere
- Timely information from sources in India
- Provides an early warning of market opportunities and/or threats
- Tracks market development on a regular basis
- Saves time and money in trying to keep up to date
- Provides a historical record for in-house research
- Provides analyses of important decisions and developments affecting the market