For some time, it has been expected that fiber cabling would displace or at least make inroads on copper for the structured cabling systems market. It has been anticipated that fiber cabling’s superior performance (bandwidth) would be needed in place of copper cabling’s limited performance. Every time, the market has increased its requirements, from 1 Mbps, to 10 Mbps, to 100 Mbps, to 1 Gbps and now to 10 Gbps, it was expected that fiber cabling would be needed. But every time, copper cabling has increased its performance to satisfy the higher bandwidth requirements. At the same time, fiber cabling has not only increased its performance levels, but has also decreased its price, with new technology innovations, such as less costly VCSELs. At one time, fiber-to-the-desk (FTTD) was the holy grail of fiber cabling. This also has been a false start, as FTTD has evolved to a niche application not required in most of the enterprises’ networks. The question is what happens next? Copper cabling, presumably, has reached its limit, at support of 10 Gbps over 100 meters. At the same time, fiber cabling has continued to increase its performance, with OM 3 fibers supporting 10 Gbps for 300 meters and with newer technology OM 4 fibers promising even higher performance for support of future 40 and 100 Gbps over extended distances.
FTM Consulting, Inc. has recently completed a study examining these developments and has released its findings in a new study: “Fiber vs. Copper Battle for the Cabling Systems Market.” In this study the individual cabling applications, such as LANs, data centers, VOIP and others were individually analyzed and forecast. The aggregate of these applications provides a bottoms-up analysis of the fiber vs. copper issue.

The accompanying figure shows the summary results. Copper, at a 76.6% share of the market in 2009, is expected to increase its share to 79.1% by 2014. FTM’s analysis indicates that fiber cabling will increasingly be used in data center applications and remain the backbone mainstay for the enterprise’s core network. At the same time, copper cabling will continue to be the dominant cabling used in horizontal LAN cabling applications. More importantly, in the future, VOIP implementation will rely on an abundance of copper cabling. The imbalance of the limited distance requirements in data center fiber applications is more than offset by the longer distance requirements for VOIP copper cabling, resulting in copper’s continued dominance of the market.
Table of Contents
- Study Objectives
- Copper Cabling Usage
- Fiber Cabling Usage
- Methodology/Sources
- General Notes
Executive Summary
- Fiber versus Copper Cabling Background
- Fiber versus Copper Trends
- Fiber versus Copper Cabling Forecast
- Early LAN Cabling Systems
- Fiber Cabling Backbones Evolve
- FTTD: the Holy Grail for Fiber
- Current Situation: Fiber versus Copper
- Future Situation: Fiber versus Copper
Copper Cabling Product/Technology Developments
- Current Status
- Cat 6a UTP Cables
- Cat 7/Cat 7a UTP Cables
- Shielded Cabling Systems
- Power Over Ethernet (PoE)
Fiber Cabling Product Technology Developments
- OM3/OM4 Fiber Cables
- Fiber Connector Developments
- Fiber Plug-n-Play Products
- 40/100 Gbps Fiber Cabling Systems
- Data Center Fiber Cabling Trends
New Technology Developments
- Virtualization
- Cloud Computing
- Web 2.0
- Gigabit WiFi
- Holographic Storage
- High Speed Optical Chips
Total SCS Market Forecasts
- Total SCS Forecast
- Total SCS Market Forecast by Media Types
- Total SCS Market Forecast by Product Types
Fiber versus Copper Cable Forecasts
- Total SCS Market
- Fiber versus Copper Cable Forecast
- UTP versus Copper Cable Forecasts
- UTP Copper Cables by Categories Forecasts
- Fiber Cables by MM-SM Forecast
Fiber versus Copper Apparatus Forecast
- Total Apparatus Forecast
- Fiber versus Copper Apparatus Forecasts
- UTP versus Coax Apparatus Forecast
- UTP Apparatus Forecast by Product Types
- Fiber Apparatus Forecast by Product Types
LAN SCS Forecasts
- Total LAN SCS Forecast
- Fiber versus Copper Cabling Systems Forecast
- Fiber versus Copper Cable Forecast
- UTP Copper Cable Forecast by Categories
- Fiber Cable by MM-SM Forecast
- Fiber versus Copper Apparatus Forecast
- UTP Apparatus Forecast by Product Types
- Fiber Apparatus Forecast by Product Types
Data Center SCS Forecast
- Total SCS Data Center Forecast
- Data Center Fiber versus Copper Cabling
- Systems Forecast
- Data Center Fiber versus Copper Cable Forecast
- UTP Copper Cable Forecast by Categories
- Fiber Cable Forecast by MM-SM Fibers
- Data Center Fiber versus Copper Apparatus Forecast
- UTP Apparatus Forecasts by Product Types
- Fiber Apparatus Forecast by Product Types
VOIP SCS Forecasts
- VOIP Total SCS Forecast
- VOIP Fiber versus Copper Cabling Systems Forecast
- VOIP Fiber versus Copper Cable Forecast
- Copper UTP Cable by Categories Forecast
- VOIP Fiber Cable by MM-SM Fibers
- VOIP versus Copper Apparatus Forecast
- VOIP UTP Apparatus Devices by Product Types Forecast
- VOIP Fiber Apparatus Forecast by Product Types
Video SCS Forecast
- Total Video SCS Market
- Video Fiber versus Copper Cabling Systems Forecast
- Video Fiber versus Copper Cable Forecast
- Video Copper Cable Forecast by Types
- UTP Cables by Categories Forecast
- Video Fiber Cable Forecast by MM-SM
- Video Fiber versus Copper Apparatus Forecast
- Copper Apparatus Forecast by Product Types
Wireless SCS Forecast
- Total Wireless SCS Forecast
- Wireless Fiber versus Copper Cabling Systems Forecast
- Wireless Fiber versus Copper Cable Forecast
- Wireless UTP Cable by Categories Forecast
- Wireless Fiber Cable Forecast by MM-SM
- Wireless Apparatus Fiber versus Copper Forecast
- Wireless UTP Apparatus Forecast by Product Types
- Wireless Fiber Apparatus Forecast by Product Types
Other SCS Forecast
- Total Other SCS Forecast
- Other Fiber versus Copper Cabling Systems Forecast
- Other Fiber versus Copper Cable Forecast
- Other UTP Cable Forecasts by Categories
- Other Fiber Cable Forecast by MM-SM
- Other Apparatus Fiber versus Copper Forecast
- Other Copper Apparatus Forecast by Product Types
- Other Fiber
SCS Forecast Cross Application Analysis
- Total SCS Market by Applications
- Copper Cabling Market by Applications
- Copper Cable Market by Applications
- UTP Copper Cable by Categories by Applications
- Fiber Cabling Market by Applications
- Fiber Cable Market by Applications
- Fiber Cable Volume Forecast
- Fiber Cable Volume by MM-SM by Applications
Table of Figures
Chapter 2
Figure 2.1 Fiber versus Copper Cabling Trends
Figure 2.2 Fiber versus Copper Cabling Systems Forecast $(M)
Chapter 4
Figure 4.1 TIA & ISO Cable Standards
Chapter 5
Figure 5.1 OM Family of Optical Fiber Cables
Chapter 7
Figure 7.1 Total SCS Market Forecast $(M)
Figure 7.2 Total SCS Year-to-Year Growths
Figure 7.3 Fiber vs. Copper Cabling Market Forecast $(M)
Figure 7.4 Fiber vs. Copper Cabling
Figure 7.5 Total SCS Market Forecast by Product Types $(M)
Chapter 8
Figure 8.1 Total Cable Forecast $(M)
Figure 8.2 Total Cable Year-to-Year Growths
Figure 8.3 Fiber vs. Copper Cable Market Forecast $(M)
Figure 8.4 Fiber vs. Copper Cable Trends
Figure 8.5 Fiber vs. Copper Cable Market Volume Forecast (Mft)
Figure 8.6 UTP vs. Coax Cable Forecast $(M)
Figure 8.7 UTP vs. Coax Cable Volume Forecast (Mft)
Figure 8.8 UTP cable by Categories Forecast $(M)
Figure 8.9 UTP Cable by Categories Volume Forecast (Mft)
Figure 8.10 UTP Cable by Categories Trends
Figure 8.11 MM vs.SM Fiber Cable Forecast $(M)
Figure 8.12 MM vs. SM Fiber Cable Volume Forecast (Mft)
Figure 8.13 MM-SM Fiber Cable Trends
Chapter 9
Figure 9.1 Total Apparatus Market Forecast $(M)
Figure 9.2 Total Apparatus Year-to-Year Growths
Figure 9.3 Fiber vs. Copper Apparatus Forecast $(M)
Figure 9.4 Fiber vs. Copper Apparatus Trends
Figure 9.5 Fiber vs. Copper Apparatus Volume Forecast
(000s ports)
Figure 9.6 UTP vs. Coax Apparatus Forecast $(M)
Figure 9.7 UTP Apparatus by Product Forecast $(M)
Figure 9.8 UTP Apparatus by Product Volume Forecast (000s)
Figure 9.9 Fiber Apparatus Forecast by Product Types $(M)
Figure 9.10 Fiber Apparatus Volume Forecast by Product Types
Chapter 10
Figure 10.1 Total LAN SCS Market Forecast $(M)
Figure 10.2 LAN SCS Year-to-Year Growths
Figure 10.3 LAN Fiber vs. Copper Cabling Forecast $(M)
Figure 10.4 LAN Fiber vs. Copper SCS Trends
Figure 10.5 LAN Fiber vs. Copper Cable Forecast $(M)
Figure 10.6 LAN Fiber vs. Copper Cable Volume Trends (Mft)
Figure 10.7 UTP Cable by Categories Volume Forecast (Mft)
Figure 10.8 LAN UTP Cable by Category Trends
Figure 10.9 UTP Cable by Categories Forecast $(M)
Figure 10.10 Fiber Cable Volume Forecast by SM-MM (Mft)